February 4, 2021

Is A Google Virtual Tour For Business Worth It?

The quick answer… If your business is looking to increase their online exposure and generate more business, yes. The longer explaination… Businesses of any size/niche can increase their visibility and generate more leads by using Google virtual tools especially Google Virtual Tours. This is a Google program that they host. There are 259 million unique US Google users per day. Do you want them to connect to your business? Google virtual tours can be used to meet your business bottom line. Keep reading more details to learn about Google virtual tours and Google Virtual tour cost / benefit and how […]
January 30, 2021

8 Best Tools to Get Listings Now

As the real estate market is coming off one of its best years in 2020, we have suddenly seen a sharp decline in the listing inventory in almost every market over the past few months. The big question is, is this temporary or is this going to be the new norm going forward through the COVID-19 pandemic? After speaking with many local real estate experts, most believe this is a temporary slowdown and they are expecting to see a lot of listing activity in the spring of 2021 and on. Obviously, as a real estate broker you want to be […]
December 30, 2020

How to Ensure Your Success in 2021

Now that the new year has finally arrived, there’s plenty of room to jump-start your venture into real estate or expand your business objectives. With the right tips, ideas, and tools, 2021 can be a promising year for real estate professionals. The following outline will help realtors create a plan for a productive new year and meet their residential or commercial real estate objectives at any level. 6 Key Elements to Achieve Real Estate Success in 2021 1. Define Your Real Estate Goals – Make a Plan What do you expect out of your real estate brand for 2021? The […]
December 15, 2020

One Photo with 2 Million Views – You want one?

We just received a notice from Google that one of our photos just hit the 2 million view mark. The photo is one we took while doing a virtual tour of Snapdoodle Toy Store in Seattle in October 2019. Not bad for a little over a year. We actually did virtual tours of all 4 of Snapdoodle’s toy stores in the Seattle area. While this photo has achieved tons of views, the virtual tours have done well too. How Many Views? Google hosts these tours and, as a Google Trusted Photographer, Google provides us with statistics about how many views […]
November 30, 2020

4 Creative Ways to Get Your Listings Sold During the Pandemic

While many businesses found themselves perplexed during the pandemic, record mortgage rates has created a gold rush in the real estate market. With the high prospect of buying and selling real estate, realtor’s must still adhere to Covid-19 restrictions. Showing your listing is one of the most important elements in closing on a real estate deal which leaves many real estate professionals looking for creative ideas to list their property. The following post  introduces tips and ideas for marketing your listing to sell, even during a pandemic. Top Ways to Sell Your Listings During the Pandemic 1. Use Technology Technology […]
November 4, 2020

Why Your Business Should Use a Virtual Exhibition To Expand Their Online Presence

For most of us, social distancing has limited their attendance of in person exhibitions. Businesses feel like their visitors will miss the most recent addition to their collection or catalog, but a virtual exhibition offers a stronger online presence and a glimmer of hope. In fact, a virtual exhibition offers more opportunities than a traditional exhibition. An online exhibition has advantages for both the exhibitors and guests including limiting the need for transportation and a chance for heightened detail. More importantly, being able to view your event conveniently online can also increase your attendees. Learn more about the benefits of […]
October 17, 2020

5 Tips for Selling Your Residential Listing Faster

First and foremost, it is essential to note that the time it takes to sell a particular property depends on how well you are able to expose the listng to potential buyers. Since most clients want their homes to sell as fast as possible, you need to ensure that your marketing tactics are moving properties on sale efficiently. Also, note that the longer a home stays on the market, the less valuable it becomes, and that is why speed is of the essence. Here are some tips for selling your residential listing faster. 1. Market With High-quality Photographs Including A […]
October 3, 2020

Are Virtual Tours of Homes Worth the Cost?

Obviously, we are biased, but we do have studies that back up our bias. With the cost of a virtual tour so affordable, it is hard to understand why anyone would not use one to sell a home. Especially in this time of uncertainty related to the pandemic, prospects are more cautious as to which properties they will visit in person. A virtual tour gives them the certainty that a home should be shortlisted for them. A more informed prospect will save themselves, as well as their real estate agent, valuable time by filtering out homes they aren’t interested in […]
September 7, 2020

How to Prepare Your Property for a Virtual Tour Photoshoot?

A 360° walk-through tour has many advantages for a anyone trying to sell a home or commercial property. Three of the biggest advantages is saving time, money and improving exposure. For the buyer and buyer brokers, it’s an opportunity to connect to a property from anywhere at any time. If you decide to use a virtual tour to showcase your property, it’s important to know how to do it right. What features do you want to stand out? Is there specific amenities you want to highlight? The professionals at TrueViews 360s recommend the top tips and ideas to prepare your […]