Virtual Tour

March 8, 2023

How to Pre-Sell Office Space with 3D-360° Renderings and Floor Plans

When developing office space, one of the best strategies is to pre-sell your space and have investors and tenants lining up to move in as soon as the final inspections are complete. Of course, this can be hard to do when your marketing materials are images of empty and possibly unfinished spaces. If you want to entice valuable business tenants, the key to pre-selling office space is to show them what the property could be after they move in. Your architectural drawing may be detailed, but the best way to impress and inform future tenants or buyers is with an […]
February 3, 2023

Office Evolution / Venture X Virtual Tours

We have done quite a few projects for Office Evolution and recently a rendered tour of a Venture X center to be built out this spring. We include both a Google virtual tour, to help in search results, along with our multimedia virtual sales platform. Here is a list of the projects we have done with links to view both the Google virtual tours and the Virtual Sales Platforms.
November 22, 2022

Commercial Property Marketing Toolbox Must-Haves

We have to face it. Selling commercial real estate is not an easy task. In order to sell or lease your commercial space, you have to find the right company that is interested in what you have, and then convince them to buy/lease it from you. This can be a long and difficult process, especially if you are still new to the business. If a commercial real estate sale is dragging on, it’s time to switch your strategy. There is obviously something missing. And, far too often, the two pieces of the puzzle that are missing are: 1. Solid preparation; […]
October 25, 2022

Google and Google Business Profile – Why You Need Them

Every business builds its online presence a little differently. Some have a strong social media presence; some have a private niche and momentum through word of mouth. However, if you run any type of local business, then your Google presence should also be seriously considered. Your Google Business Profile defines your overall online visibility. After all, most decisions start with a quick search, these days. Local venues and local office space can benefit strongly from increasing their Google visibility by cultivating their Google Business Profile. Google Overview The Importance of Google When people search for office space near them, or […]
August 15, 2022

Virtual Tour vs. Video Walk-Through: Which One is Better?

Real Estate agents have embraced technology to make buying and selling easier for their clients. Before the coronavirus pandemic, 360° Virtual Tours were a marginal component of real estate marketing, mostly a reserve for marketing luxury properties. During that time, there was much confusion about what a virtual tour was and what it constituted. Sometimes, clients would request a virtual tour, only for the agent to send a video walk-through. Partially because of their affordability, 360° Virtual Tours have become very popular in real estate marketing. Buyers and sellers know the differences between a slideshow, a Virtual Tour, and a […]
July 16, 2022

How Business Can Benefit from Google Virtual Tours 

First impressions matter, and now, visitors usually get those impressions online. When people search for a particular business on Google, they try to find essential factors to help convince them to use the service or product. Social media presence, business information updates, and reviews have always played critical roles in a prospect’s decision. But today, having a 360° virtual tour on your Google Business Listing could do all the magic. These Google virtual tours allow organizations and business owners worldwide to showcase their businesses. It can help you attract more customers, outshine your competitors, boost your business, and generate more […]
April 26, 2022

How HDR Photography Makes a Difference

In real estate, photography is paramount to your success. In business visitors want to check you out before coming in. Often times, the first time a prospective client will view your property or business is through photos. Ready to close on the sale faster? Looking to get more customers? Learn more about how HDR photography can work for your business below. What Is HDR Photography? HDR photography brings out the best features of the imagery you’re capturing behind the camera lens. Also known as multi-exposure, it uses several exposures of the same image and stands for “High Dynamic Range.” For […]
March 25, 2022

Key Tools To Make Virtual Selling Work For Your Business

Over the past few years, thanks to the pandemic, we have seen some significant changes on how sales people work. Traditionally salespeople have been reliant on in-person meetings, they now also need to build trust through a browser window and virtual selling. Recognizing that there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to selling anymore, many sales reps need the flexibility to work in the most agile and effective manner. This includes online virtual selling. To get the best results for your virtual sales team, the right equipment is a must. Infrastructure is a significant element of virtual sales. It’s important to have […]
March 18, 2022

Virtual Tour Converted to Videos Available

We have just added a new service of converting virtual tours to video. Many people get confused about 360° virtual tour, thinking they are videos. This is because it is so easy to move around in them and they do auto rotate, but they are not videos. They are interactive panoramic images linked together. If you are looking for an easy way to share your virtual tours on social media, a video will be very helpful. They are typically around 2 minutes long and don’t show the entire tour, just the key viewpoints. After all, a hallway isn’t terribly interesting […]